Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock 3.3

The Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock (ASEL) sets the minimum animal health and welfare requirements the livestock export industry must meet throughout the supply chain, from sourcing to completion of disembarkation overseas. The standards apply to cattle, sheep, goats, buffalo, deer and camelids exported by air or sea.

The standards are enforceable under the Export Control Act 2020 and the Export Control (Animals) Rules 2021.The Australian approach is consistent with that taken by international bodies, such as the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), involved in determining criteria for the health and welfare of livestock.


The purpose of these standards is to ensure livestock are appropriate for export to manage the risks to livestock health and welfare throughout the export supply chain, from sourcing to completion of disembarkation overseas.


These standards must be complied with as part of:

  • the conditions of a livestock export licence
  • the registration of an establishment or approval of a premises to be used for holding, assembling and preparing livestock for export
  • an exporter's approved arrangement and Approved Export Program (AEP) for the export of livestock.

Failure to comply with these standards may result in refusal to grant an export permit and revocation of the certificate of health and may result in performance management and compliance action including cancellation or suspension of registration, licence or approved arrangement.

Non-compliance with any relevant laws, regulations, standards and guidelines relating to the health, welfare, handling, treatment, transport and carriage of livestock will be considered when assessing the competency and integrity of a person or body corporate to continue to hold an establishment registration and/or export licence.


These standards must be read in conjunction with Commonwealth, state and territory laws, regulations, standards and guidelines relevant to the health, welfare, handling, treatment, transport and carriage (sea and air) of livestock. Importing country requirements relevant to the export consignment must also be met.