Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock 3.3
Loading and onboard management requirements

5.6.1 - During the voyage, a meeting must be held at least daily to discuss all issues relating to the health and welfare of the livestock. The meeting must at least include the master of the vessel and/or the master's representative, accredited stockperson(s) and if on board, the AAV.

5.6.2 - Livestock and livestock services on the vessel must be regularly inspected (at minimum once every day and once every night of the voyage) to ensure that the health and welfare of the livestock are maintained while on the vessel. This must include:

  1. systematic inspection of livestock to assess their health and welfare; and
  2. monitoring and maintenance of feed and/or water supply systems to ensure they are in good working order; and
  3. checking pen space allocation and making adjustments as required; and
  4. monitoring and maintenance of ventilation to promote optimal thermoregulation of the livestock; and
  5. monitoring and maintenance of pen and deck conditions. Washing down of decks should be carried out regularly where appropriate for the species, and disposal of faeces and litter must be carried out in a manner that minimises impacts on the health and welfare of livestock.

5.6.3 - Any livestock identified as being sick or injured during the voyage (including during loading and unloading) must:

  1. be promptly assessed and treated; and
  2. be transferred to a hospital pen, if required; or
  3. if necessary, be euthanased humanely and promptly by a method approved under the national animal welfare standards and guidelines or model codes of practice. The carcases of any dead livestock must be disposed of in accordance with the requirements of Annex V of MARPOL 73/78.

5.6.4 - Records must be kept by the exporter as outlined in Standard 1.1.8.

5.6.5 - If a notifiable incident occurs at any time, the exporter must notify the department as soon as possible and within 12 hours. For the export of livestock by sea, a notifiable incident includes, but is not limited to:

  1. unloading any livestock from a vessel into an Australian jurisdiction without prior written approval from the department;
  2. partial or full disablement of ventilation, feeding and/or watering systems on a vessel carrying livestock, which has the potential to cause a serious adverse effect on animal health or welfare;
  3. vessels that are having or likely to have shortage of feed and/or water supply;
  4. the maximum water deprivation times equal to those set out in the Land Transport Standards are exceeded;
  5. disablement of a vessel carrying livestock, such that assistance is required for return to a port;
  6. loss of a vessel (a marine casualty of a vessel) carrying livestock;
  7. an act of terrorism or piracy;
  8. diagnosis or reasonable suspicion of an emergency disease (that is a disease exotic to Australia, or a new form of disease that is endemic to Australia, or a disease that is significant to trade) in a consignment of livestock;
  9. a mortality rate during a voyage that is equal to, or greater than, the notifiable mortality level (in Table 22);
  10. [deleted]
  11. rejection of livestock at an overseas port or by an importing country government;
  12. any other incident that has the potential to cause a serious adverse effect on animal health or welfare.

In relation to a notifiable incident involving a mortality rate equal to or greater than the notifiable mortality level listed in Table 22, the notification must include a written report that contains:

  1. details of the mortalities (the number, species, pen location, suspected cause, the animal's identification, any treatments administered prior to death); and
  2. factors that may have contributed to the mortalities; and
  3. the current location of the vessel and, if appropriate, its destination and estimated time of arrival; and
  4. actions being taken by the exporter, accredited stockpersons, AAV and/or master of the vessel to prevent or reduce the likelihood of further mortalities during the voyage.

Table 22 Average daily mortality rate and notifiable mortality level for livestock transported by sea


Average daily mortality rate

Mortality rate per voyage



0.5% or 3 animals, whichever is greater



0.5% or 3 animals, whichever is greater



1% or 3 animals, whichever is greater



1% or 3 animals, whichever is greater

5.6.6 - The exporter must ensure that an AAV, or accredited stockperson if there is no AAV on board, provides a daily report on the health and welfare of the livestock and conditions on board the vessel to the department within 24 hours of the reporting day, commencing on the day the first animal is loaded and until the last animal is unloaded for:

  1. long and extended long-haul voyages; and
  2. voyages that include buffalo and/or goats; and
  3. voyages using the alternative pen space allocations in Table 10a, Table 10b, Table 11b and/or Table 12b.

5.6.7 - The daily report must be in the form provided on the department's website and include all information required in the form.

5.6.8 - Regardless of the voyage duration, the exporter must ensure that the AAV, or the accredited stockperson if there is no AAV on board, provides an end-of-voyage report to the department within 5 days of completion of unloading at the final port of disembarkation.