Appendix C: Portable livestock units
Certain criteria apply if a vessel that is not permanently equipped for the carriage of livestock is to be used and is equipped with portable livestock units (PLUs).
- The PLUs must not:
- be used on voyages of more than 10 voyage days; or
- be used to transport livestock if, for the route in question, there is a regular service of vessels that are permanently equipped for the carriage of livestock, and have valid ACCLs; or
- number more than 5 per voyage, not including 1 additional empty PLU for use as a hospital or isolation area as identified in the exporters' approved arrangement; or
- be stacked on top of each other or stowed in a position that prevents direct access to the PLU.
- The PLUs must:
- be placed and secured in accordance with Marine Order 43; and
- have non-slip and non-abrasive surfaces. This may be achieved through the use of bedding material suitable for the class and species of livestock to be transported; and
- allow space in accordance with Standard 5, with an additional 15% space allocation to account for:
- species and class; and
- size and body condition; and
- wool or hair length; and
- horn status; and
- predicted climatic conditions; and
- design and capacity of the PLU.
- be adequately equipped to provide shelter and shade such as shade-cloth and tarpaulins. The accredited stockperson or AAV must take action before or during adverse weather conditions to minimise the risk to the health and welfare of livestock.
- be supplied with bedding material that:
- minimises abrasions, lameness, pugging, faecal coating and ammonia production; and
- is replaced if soiled, as necessary, subject to type and species; and
- is monitored daily to consistency and depth; and
- is appropriate to mitigate risks to animal health and welfare; and
- for cattle, is applied at a minimum of 4kg per m2 before loading and consists of kiln-dried sawdust/shavings or equivalent.
- be supplied with feed and water that:
- has adequate storage space
- is sufficiently protected from weather
- is managed in accordance with Standard 5, and Marine Order 43.
- comply with the requirements of Marine Order 43 for any division within a PLU.
- The vessel must:
- have adequate capacity to desalinate water or sufficient water storage on board
- have a hospital or isolation area available as a means of segregating livestock if required. This must be clearly stated in the exporter's approved arrangement and can be constructed using:
- divider rails, or
- an additional empty PLU and the equipment or facilities required to move livestock safely between PLUs. If an additional empty PLU is used as the means of segregating livestock, details of trained livestock that are capable of being 'led' between PLUs, or of a sheep trolley or portable panels, must be included within the consignment inventory.
- carry veterinary equipment including medicines, instruments and stores sufficient for the species and number of livestock carried. The minimum veterinary equipment requirements contained in species specific Standards 5.2 to 5.5 should be observed. However, number of doses required for PLUs can be calculated proportionally to the number of animals being exported.