Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock 3.3
Standard 1
Sourcing and preparation of livestock for export by sea
Standard 2
Land transport of livestock
Standard 3
Management of livestock in registered establishments
Standard 4
Vessel preparation and general management for export by sea
Standard 5
Loading and onboard management requirements
Standard 6
Air transport of livestock
Appendix A: Pastoral zones
Appendix B: 15°S and 26°S parallels
Appendix C: Portable livestock units
Standard 1
Sourcing and preparation of livestock for export by sea
1.1: General and all species requirements
1.2: Buffalo sourcing and export criteria
1.3: Camelids sourcing and export criteria
1.4: Cattle sourcing and export criteria
1.5: Deer sourcing and export criteria
1.6: Goat sourcing and export criteria
1.7: Sheep sourcing and export criteria
Standard 2
Land transport of livestock
2.1: General and all species requirements
Standard 3
Management of livestock in registered establishments
3.1: General and all species requirements
3.2: Buffalo management requirements
3.3: Camelids management requirements
3.4: Cattle management requirements
3.5: Deer management requirements
3.6: Goat management requirements
3.7: Sheep management requirements
3.8: Monitoring and reporting requirements
Standard 4
Vessel preparation and general management for export by sea
4.1: General and all species requirements
Standard 5
Loading and onboard management requirements
5.1: General and all species requirements
5.2: Buffalo loading and management requirements
5.3: Cattle loading and management requirements
5.4: Goat loading and management requirements
5.5: Sheep loading and management requirements
5.6: Monitoring and reporting requirements
Standard 6
Air transport of livestock
6.1: General and all species requirements
6.2: Alpaca requirements
6.3: Buffalo requirements
6.4: Camel requirements
6.5: Cattle requirements
6.6: Deer requirements
6.7: Goat requirements
6.8: Llama requirements
6.9: Sheep requirements
6.10: [deleted]
6.11: Monitoring and reporting requirements
Appendix A: Pastoral zones
Appendix B: 15°S and 26°S parallels
Appendix C: Portable livestock units
Management of livestock in registered establishments
- Sheep that are 10 days or more off shears may be accommodated in paddocks at the registered establishment.
- Sheep that are less than 10 days off shears must be:
given at least 2 clear days between shearing and loading for export, and
accommodated in sheds at the registered establishment, unless otherwise provided in an
accommodation of shorn sheep
management plan
approved in writing by the department.
- Sheep sourced for export must have wool or hair no longer than 25mm in length at the time of loading for transport to the port of embarkation, unless otherwise provided in a
Northern Hemisphere winter sheep shearing management plan
approved in writing by the department.
- The feed trough allowance for sheep held in paddocks at the registered establishment is to be calculated on a paddock-by-paddock basis and must be:
for ration feeding, no less than 5cm of feed trough width per head; or
ad libitum
feeding, no less than 3cm of feed trough width per head.
- For areas of Australia south of latitude 26°S from 1 May to 31 October (inclusive), feeding must occur from fully sheltered feed troughs.
- Sheep must be fed daily suitable feed of:
at least 3% of their bodyweight for sheep younger than 4 tooth; and
at least 2% of their bodyweight for 4 tooth or older; and
a quality able to meet daily maintenance requirements.
- The minimum length of time that sheep must remain in a registered establishment prior to departure for the port is 5 clear days. A day on which animals are subject to a feed or water curfew is not a clear day. In addition to the above:
If a need or water curfew is longer than 12 hours, an additional clear day is required (that is, 6 clear days); and
During at least the last 3 clear days prior to export, sheep are to be fed
ad libitum
on a ration equivalent in both form and composition to that which is to be used on the export voyage.
- For export to or through the Middle East by sea between 1 May and 31 October (inclusive), the occupier of the registered establishment must not prepare these classes of sheep:
for sheep held in paddocks at the registered establishment:
pastoral and station sheep (see Appendix A); or
lambs less than 34kg and no permanent incisors; or
sheep that have been held on trucks for more than 14 hours prior to entering the registered establishment, unless these sheep have been fed, watered and rested for a minimum of 24 hours prior to commencing any export preparation activities (including commencement of clear days); and
for sheep held in paddocks or sheds at the registered establishment:
full mouth sheep with a body condition score of 4 or more (on a scale of 1 to 5); or
broken mouth sheep; or
pregnant sheep.
- Sheep at registered establishment must be penned in accordance with these space allocations:
for sheep held for less than 10 days, a minimum of 0.33m
each which must be increased by 0.006m
for each 1kg above 54kg liveweight (this allowance can be decreased by 0.006m
for each 1kg decrease in individual liveweight below 40kg); or
for sheep held for 10 days or more, a minimum of 0.5m
each which must be increased by 0.006m
for each 1kg above 54kg liveweight (this allowance can be decreased by 0.006m
for each 1kg decrease in individual liveweight below 40kg).